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共管物业的形式 (三)--加拿大 安大略省

时间:2015-12-03 18:19来源:现代物业 作者:物业交流 点击:
Phased Condominium Corporations Where the declaration so provides, a condominium may add additional common elements and units in phases by amending the declaration and deion. The declaration and disclosure statement for the initial phase m
Phased Condominium Corporations
Where the declaration so provides, a condominium may add additional common elements and units in phases by amending the declaration and deion. The declaration and disclosure statement for the initial phase must set out additional information, including the proportion of common expenses required for each unit in the existing registered plan after the addition of each phase, coupled with a warning that the additional phases described may not be built. If the municipality determines that facilities and services in subsequent phases are necessary for the independent operation of built phases, it may require a bond or other security to ensure that these are completed.
When the declarant intends to register a subsequent phase, it must provide the condominium corporation in the initial phase(s) with all the appropriate information necessary, including a statement of any differences between the new phase as originally set out in the disclosure statement and its actual construction. The condominium corporation in an earlier phase may obtain an injunction or damages from the declarant if the changes are important and detrimentally affect the use and enjoyment of the overall property by the owners, and individual unit owners may recover damages for detrimental effects of the changes on the enjoyment of their own unit.

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